Sam and Joe

2011-05-31 09:53


Sam and Joe were astronauts.

There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back alive. Sam and Joe, however, thought it would be exciting though a little dangerous. “We’re the best men for the job,” they said to the boss. “They’re the last people I’d trust,” thought the boss. Then they were in space, Joe had to go outside to make some repairs. Sam was too tired so he fell into sleep. When he was dreaming that he got a piece of rolex replica watch from an E.T.,the repairs were done by Joe. Joe tried to get back inside the spaceship.

But the door was locked. He knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again, louder this time, and again no answer came. Then he hit the door as hard as he could and finally Sam woke up and thought the E.T. was coming here to send him the rolex. So he imagined what the replica watch looked like and said, “Who’s there?” “It’s me! Who else could it be?” shouted Joe. Sam let him in all right but you can imagine that Joe never asked to go on a trip with Sam again!