Not My Butcher!

2011-04-29 14:04

 Dick likes to collect the replica watches very much. But his parents didn’t give him enough money to but them. For the replica watches are expensive especially the rolex replicas. So he has to take many part-time jobs. One summer, he got a job in a butcher’s shop during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night in order to buy a piece of rolex replica watch. In the shop, he learned to cut and sell meat. He did so well that the butcher often left him to do all the things while the butcher went into a room behind the shop to do the accounts. In the hospital, he helped to lift people and carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both in the butcher’s shop and in the hospital, Kick had to wear white clothes. One evening in the hospital; Dick had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the operating room. The woman already felt frightened when she thought about the operation. When she saw Kick coming to get her, she felt even more frightened.” No! No!” she cried, “Not my butcher! I won’t let my butcher operate on me!” With these words, she fainted away.